Unique Profiles
Unique Profiles (UPs) are completed at two key points in the year; February and July. They document the progress made within each PLP focus area as well as capturing a further 6 key achievements that have been made:
For our pupils working at earlier cognitive levels, we ensure the six key achievements are focused on the key areas of Engagement (please see ‘Engagement at Riverside School’ for more information):
In documenting our pupils progress we were conscious that in the past we had found it challenging to show the unique steps of progress made by our pupils, especially for those working at early cognitive levels, as language around previous targets had simplistically suggested ‘they can’ or ‘they can’t’.
The UPs are a wonderful celebratory document to share with families and the pupil themselves, we hope they make their way up on to family fridges at home for all to see. Alongside these celebratory documents we also wanted to produce a further assessment which would enable us to fully track progress made within the PLPs on both an individual and whole school level. Allowing us to identify any trends and patterns and see where we needed to introduce further interventions to support progress. As well as being able to focus and highlight individual pupils’ progress stories.