School Meals
We believe that the school lunchtime is a great opportunity for all of our pupils to sit down together and enjoy their healthy and tasty meal, while developing their social skills. As you may or may not be aware, the Government have pledged continued support for the Universal Infant Free School Meals grant and this means that all children, from Foundation Stage to Year 2 will continue to be entitled to free school meals. The Government have also agreed to fund the GLA Free School Meals grant for all pupils in years 3 to 6 for the remainder of this academic year and the whole of the 2024/25 academic year. This means that all pupils in years 3 to 6 are also entitled to free school meals. For pupils who are not eligible for a free school meal, we hope that families will continue to opt for paid school meals at a cost of £2.50 per day.
Please also see the information below regarding how schools can still benefit from Pupil Premium funding if your child is eligible for Free School Meals if you are in receipt of certain qualifying benefits (even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2).
Lunch is prepared on the premises at SPC, Beckenham and West Wickham and served in the school dining hall. Dinner money is collected on the first day of each week for the whole week or half-termly in advance if preferred. In our strive to be a cashless school, payments should be made online HERE.
Arrangements can be made for pupils requiring a special diet for health or religious reasons and a vegetarian meal is always available. Pupils may bring a packed lunch if they prefer, to be eaten with their class group. Please ensure that any drinks are stored in unbreakable containers, no glass bottles please.
Parents may be eligible to apply for free school meals for their child if they are in receipt of certain state provided benefits and the school receives some funding based on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals. Please CLICK HERE for further information and to apply.
The booklet below has been produced by the Children's Food Trust that you may find useful.